Terrain Park Safety

Safety Awareness

Whether you are new to the Terrain Park or more experienced, there are things you need to know when skiing or riding in the park. All snowboarders must have adequate leashes. There is a certain etiquette and extra safety measures that are needed to make sure everyone has a safe and comfortable environment. Especially when the park gets crowded.

Please watch this video. It’s fun and not one of those outdated videos from the 80’s. We promise.

Clear out the Landing Zones!

If there is one thing that we would like to stress at Nashoba Parks, it’s to move out of the landing zones. Staying in a landing zone and even it’s run-out can be very dangerous.

If you fall on a landing: Pick up your gear and move quickly to the side of the trail or away from the jump or feature while looking up hill. 

If you are hurt: Get someone to stand on the jump or feature and divert traffic. By making an ‘X’ with your arms over your head, it will signal to other riders that there is someone down on the landing. Have another person either find a lift attendant, park staffer, or ski patrol and let them know that someone is hurt and where they are hurt.

Remember, there are people coming through the park at a high rate of speed. They may not see you until it’s too late. Always stay aware of uphill traffic to avoid collisions.

Responsibility Code

Although the Terrain Park has it’s own safety and etiquette, all skiers and riders should know and abide by the Responsibility Code. 


Your Responsibility Code

Always stay in control, and be able to stop or avoid other people or objects.
People ahead of you have the right of way. It is your responsibility to avoid them.
You must not stop where you obstruct a trail, or are not visible from above.
Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others.
Always use devices to help prevent runaway equipment.
Observe all posted signs and warnings. Keep off closed trails and out of closed areas.
Prior to using any lift, you must have the knowledge and ability to load, ride and unload safely.

Know the code. It’s your responsibility.


 Will my child be safer if they wear a helmet?

Are there special helmets designed for snowsports or can my child wear a bike helmet?

How much protection can a helmet give me?

If I fall or hit a tree or a rock while skiing, will a helmet protect me from getting hurt?

Is there a standard for manufacturing a helmet? How do I know if the helmet I wear will provide me enough protection?

Why do helmets vary in cost so much? Is one helmet as safe as another?

Should I consider renting a helmet before purchasing one? Where can I rent one?

Are skiing and snowboarding as safe as they used to be? Is a helmet a key piece of safety equipment today?

If I buy a helmet, what are some tips to assist me in my purchase?

I would feel safer wearing a helmet. What kind of helmet would you recommend?

Does the National Ski Areas Association recommend helmets for skiers and snowboarders?

What Do Parents Need to Know About Helmets and Kids Safety?

Your child should be familiar with and/or memorize the “Your Responsibility Code,” the seven rules of slope safety. Slope safety and personal responsibility should be discussed prior to hitting the slopes.

A helmet can make a difference in reducing or preventing a head injury from a fall or other impacts. However, no helmet can protect the wearer against all foreseeable impacts and injuries to the head. Emphasize to your child to “use their head and ski and/or snowboard responsibly.”

A helmet’s fit is most important. It’s helpful to have an experienced sales person assist your child with fit. Know your child’s head circumference. You can learn this by using a tailor’s measuring tape and measure your child’s head above the ears and right above the eyebrows (widest part of the head from the front to the back). A properly fit helmet will be comfortable with no pressure points. A helmet is not an item that you want to grow into.

When shopping for a helmet, bring your goggles with you to make sure they will fit with the helmet you choose.

When buying a helmet consider choosing one that meets the ASTM 2040 standard. This should be printed on the helmet’s literature.

Several factors that affect a helmet’s price include graphics, weight, style, etc.

Enroll your child in ski school because they will master the sport more easily with instruction and learn great habits early on.